R-Free Store Partners
Please contact one of our partners to receive a voucher to R-Free Store. The vouchers a 100% FREE. After receiving a voucher from one of our partners and prepare to come into R-Free Store to get the items you need.
Twin Cities Partners
1. The Refuge Church
Address - 867 Pierce Butler Rte, St Paul MN 55104
Email - admin@therefugemn.com
2. Proverbs Christian Fellowship
info coming soon
3. Experience Neshema
info coming soon
4. Great & Mighty Works Ministries
Email - harris24anointed@yahoo.com
5. Safe Families For Children
info coming soon
6. VIP Ministries
Address - 1008 Devonshire Curve, Bloomington, MN, 55431
Email - innercourt777@gmail.com
7. The Way Church
info coming soon
8. Overcomers Victory Church
Address - 663 Como Ave, St Paul, MN, 55103
Email - info@overcomersvictory.org
9. The City Of Roseville
Address - 2660 Civic Center Drive, Roseville, MN 55113
Email - cari.mccollor@cityofroseville.com
10. Psalms Of Praise Commuity Church
Address - 580 cypress st, SAINT PAUL, MN, 55106
Become A Partner
Our Partnerships with churches, community centers, and other organizations are the key to connecting people to the resources they need to build strong families. By becoming a partner with R-Free Store your organization will receive 5 shopping vouchers for individuals and families in need each month. If your organization would like to become a partner please fill out an application. Thank you.